Last night, for the last time in 40 days, I had…

HOSTESS DEVIL DOGS. I know this isn’t my traditional post about what I had for dinner but, I think this is compelling. I’m not super religious but, I like to recognize major religious holidays and with today being Ash Wednesday and the start of lent it’s time to give something up! I  like to give something up for lent to see if I can challenge myself to stay off of a particular type of food or habit. This year I decided to cut out cakes, cookies, brownies and other BAKED desserts. I have a very large sweet tooth and chocolate fix so I know that eliminating everything is impossible and cruel to myself but, I can be reasonable and limit the majority of my dessert consumption. I had a meeting last night and on the way to the meeting I decided that I wanted to have one last dessert. I stood in front of the Little Debbie stand for about 5 minutes trying to decide what I wanted to purchase and decided on the lovely chocolate cakes. The best part about Devil Dogs is the frosting. It’s light, sweet and delicious. The cake part is a little dry but, that’s what makes it great when mixed with the frosting and of course it must be followed up with a glass of milk 🙂

You didn’t miss much for dinner – just a frozen pizza since no meat can be eaten. Tomorrow I have an event and Friday I have a reception to go to after work s0, toodle-ooo until the weekend! Happy cooking and eating!

One Response to “Last night, for the last time in 40 days, I had…”
  1. After reading this, you’ve got me craving a devil dog… it’s been years!

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